Tools & Guides/Performance

[WebLOAD] WebLOAD 오픈소스 제공 중지... - -;

tuning-java 2009. 3. 12. 10:23
RadView라는 회사에서 제공하는 WebLOAD 라는 툴의 일부 기능이 Open source로 제공되었었다.

그래서, 지금 쓰고 있는 책의 예제도 WebLOAD를 사용하는 방법을 상세하게 적어놨다.

근데 더이상 Open source로 안하겠단다.

왜이래? 아마추어 같이~~~

아래는 걔네들이 보내온 메일 내용...

Dear Madam/Sir,
According to our records you have downloaded a version of WebLOAD Open Source. We would like to reiterate the following:
-WebLOAD Open Source has been declared End of life (EOL)
-If you still have a version of the product we remind you that under the EULA, any distribution of the product or using it to service third parties is strictly forbidden.
What are the options available to you?
For a limited time RadView offers a competitive upgrade to WebLOAD Professional. We encourage you to contact a sales rep in your region quickly as discounts are set to expire.